2300 S. 48th St. Suite 3
Kittens can be a lot of fun and joy to your life. This is also when you can make the most difference in what your kitten will be like as an adult.
Kittens can be a little more work than adults, especially orphaned neonatal kittens or kittens that are weaned too early, but it can also be very gratifying to know that they view you as their parent, and that they would probably not have survived if it wasn't for you. Older kittens can bring hours of entertainment as they play with each other and with you. Some of the things that will be covered on the following pages include:
Keep reading for more information!
Raising Neonatal KittensKitten FeedingKitten SocializationKitten TrainingKitten GroomingKitten Healthcare |